I finally learned how to use Garage Band for the purpose of recording my classes. This past Sunday, I recorded my class, then took it and critiqued it all as part of my CLTT homework. I was stoked to break a sweat and I actually enjoyed the flow of the class but did notice that I talk a lot and say bad jokes throughout class. Overall, I am myself.
Thus, there's always room for improvement. The bad jokes will never stop (sadly for you) but my flow WILL get harder. You've been warned! And if anyone ever has comments or suggestions, I would love to hear them! Please email me at yogawithpatricia@gmail.com
This week I teach on Wednesday 7:00 am at QF, Thursday noon at Sangha Yoga Shala (Community class), Friday 7:00 pm at QF and on Sunday at QF at 10:00 am.
Hugs to all of you for you are all my teachers.
Of course I thought this was hilarious, I can't help it. Regardless of my tendency to laugh at everything, it was very informative, its all about the mula bandha!