Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Week of the forward folds

Bound Angle/Baddha Konasana
Pyramid pose/Parsvottanasa

Downward Facing Dog/Adho Mukha Svanasana

This week, we will be working on forward bends.  

Forward folds require our full attention.  Usually consisting of a deep stretch of our muscles, forward folds allow us to take a quiet moment to feel.  Those with tight hamstrings or hips may find forward folds very challenging, for the mind chatters as you try to go into the pose while "fighting" the tightness of the muscles. But the key is not to fight. it is to listen. By listening to the body, going deeper into the pose with each exhale, and maintaining the foundation of the pose, one can effectively combine the experience of the pose and transform it into a quiet moment in which the mind can breathe.  

This week, in order to help us prepare for meditation, we will carefully explore these sweet "forward folding" moments. By shifting the awareness further in from the physical sensations, perhaps we can all tap into a deeper dimension, the energy of the pose.  If we can stay inside our bodies during these folds, we will quiet the mind.  

With love,

P.S.  Photos are from the yoga journal website link on forward bends.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy thanksgiving!

The most important things in life aren't things.

Today I'm grateful for all the lessons life brings along, for they are an opportunity for growth. I'm grateful for conquering them with a tall stride or with my gaze down... It doesn't matter. I learned. I grew.

Thanks to all my friends and family for being part of this journey And for being there for me.

Happy thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Meditation challenge

From now until Christmas, all my classes will have about 5 minutes (3 minutes for one hour classes) meditations. Trust me, this makes all the difference while dealing with these hectic times. A meditation practice can change your life!

See you on the mat!



Saturday, November 10, 2012

Embracing Change

Change is all around us. We have elected a president, the hurricane changed our shores, the cold weather arrived. In these times that change is all around us, all we have is ourselves to trust that these changes will bring prosperity.

I have been focusing on standing poses this week. By shifting our awareness in our foundation, we can withstand whatever is happening around us. Our integrity, love, and compassion serves that purpose outside of the mat. On the mat, our feet, our palms, gaze and breath.

Much love to all.