Spring is supposed to be here, right? Let's hope it makes its way soon!
I wanted my classes this week to be based on a lymphatic system flush, in preparation for the upcoming allergy season, strengthening the immune system. But the coldness and wetness of winter remain here, so what to do? I am going to mix some energizing poses with a flush of the lymphatic system. The energy of the core, our solar plexus, and a powerful flush of toxins out of the body, create a class that will energize and clean the body at once. Giving us the last push to make it through this coldish week.
What will we focus on, in a nut shell are arm balances, with a focus on the knees by the armpits (a concentration of lymph nodes live in the armpits) and hip openers to help release the lymphatic system our of our hip area, the second area where there is a high concentration of lymph nodes in the body. The heat of the body, the moving of blood, will create a cozy environment for this class.
Hope to see you!
With love,