Monday, December 15, 2014

Meditation for busy times

Who has time to practice or meditate during the holidays?  Between our busy calendars, shopping sprees, traveling to go see family, it can get difficult to take time off for ourselves for the things we love and to stay on track with our yoga and exercise regimes. 

The meditation below is a beautiful short and sweet meditation poem by Thich Nhat Hanh.  It takes 2 minutes at the most. You can do this anywhere, and you can repeat it as many times as you'd like. I like taking it apart and focusing on a piece of it (smile, let go).  I have been teaching it this week in class. It truly changes the energy of the entire room. 

Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.
(In. Out.)

Breathing in, my breath grows deep.
Breathing out, my breath grows slow.
(Deep. Slow.)

Breathing in, I’m aware of my body.
Breathing out, I calm my body.
(Aware of body. Calming.)

Breathing in, I smile.
Breathing out, I release.
(Smile. Release.)

Breathing in, I dwell in the present moment.
Breathing out, I enjoy the present moment.
(Present moment. Enjoy.)

Hope everyone is having an amazing December so far. 

With love, 


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Inner work- yoga on my bank account

Inner work.  

In yoga, essentially, is what we come to do.  We look within us so the world around us becomes better.  We practice, we observe our patterns during our asanas, we start to notice where our thoughts tend to go. We build the amazing habit of Mindfullness. 

The idea of being mindful was introduced to me via meditation.  Observe your thoughts.  Do not judge.  Just watch.  Accept. Practice this during every interaction.  Everything should be mindful. 

And then I read this article.  The way I do one thing is the way I do everything. It made sense, and went nicely with the idea of Mindfulness meditations.  I dug the idea of it, and it also scared me a bit. I'll share why later on.. 

So I am mindful.  I look within.  It's working.  I'm proud of all the work I've done in the last few years.  It's surely made my life better.  I live full of integrity, I practice what I preach. 

But at the corner of my mind, there was something I was abandoning in this "being mindful" business. 

My finances.  

I never looked hard at my finances.  I didn't want to see.  Student loans, rent, taxes.  All overwhelming.  So I just paid.  and just paid bills and paid bills. That was enough for me. 

I've known for a long time that I am not mindful with my money.  I was actually CARELESS.  

So for 2015, I decided to look at this part of my life with a magnifying glass.

So here it's how I've started with my "Financial Inner work." 

-  My very financially savy LITTLE sister  recommened me to her financial planner, we spoke for about 2 hours and went through many different ways I can start investing

- I set very tangible, realistic, and clear money related goals. I review these every week along with my other intentions. 

- I got Mint on my iPad and IPhone.  It takes about one hour to set up.  Every morning I go through my budgets and expenses, and see what I need to pay.  It's free!

- I have also started to follow Dave Ramsey.  This was a suggestion from a friend on Facebook.  He has amazing tips to help sort your finances out.  

- I ask for help. I know I don't know much about finances, so now I ask! I have some very knowledgable clients so I pick their brains, I ask my friends that are doing well financially how they do it.  

And now I am that girl that sticks to budgets! Ok, and although in January my taxi budget was way over (so cold!) I am learning how to live within my means and responsibly and invest. 

If I'm meditating every day, I need to look at my bank accounts everyday.  If I am exercising and doing yoga, then I need to take care of every part of myself in the same manner. Just like the article said- I need to do EVERYTHING the same way. 

Little things like making coffee at home, buying Kind bars in bulk and putting them in my purse instead of buying them at health stores (about 75 cents more), taking yoga classes from friends, inviting friends over for dinner instead of going out.  They all count. 

The journey has just started! I see light at the end of the tunnel! 

How do you stay on track with your money? 


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Meditation, revisited

If you follow my instagram @thenycyogini, chances are you have noticed that I like to talk a lot about the importance of meditation.  Whenever I teach yoga, I like to provide a few minutes to sit quietly after savasana in a non-guided meditation, allowing the student time to sit quietly and observe the benefits of the practice.  Meditation is the one tool, when combined with your asana practice, that shifts your practice forward and inward, takes you out of your mind and brings you into your energy.

Whenever I teach meditation, I mostly see students that willingly sit quietly, without moving, embracing the peaceful time.  I also see that some students have their eyes open, impatiently looking at the clock or gazing outside of the room.  I see students who can't keep their hands still or move side to side on their seats.  I see students yawning.  Some students even leave.

These are all common reactions to meditation, and chances are, if you are into meditation, you have experienced all of these at one time or another.  Some days you are bored, some days you are fidgety, and some days you don't even try.  It's all fair. It's all about observing and being present in how you are approaching your meditation, without judging.

Starting a meditation practice at home

If you are interested in starting a meditation practice, a great way to start is just TO START. Setting aside 5 minutes a day to sit still and observe your breath is all you have to do. Committing to setting this time aside allows you to build the habit and start the "practice."

Begin by creating a meditation space in your home in which you can decorate with objects and photos that inspire you and remind you of people and places you love. Get candles, some flowers, incense. Make it special.   It can be anywhere in your home.

Some of the items in my meditation space include:

- A beautiful Buddha my old roommate and best friend left here when she moved to LA.
- A framed Star Wars drawing my oldest nephew made when he was 5 years old.  He is now 13.
- Stones, rocks and shells I have been collecting from beaches I visit.  I have rocks and shells from Indonesia, Mexico, Venezuela, Costa Rica and from Montauk, Cape Cod and Cape May, to name a few,
- A post card my best friend Joanna Benevides sent me for my birthday 2 years ago that says "Shine on you crazy Diamond" and a tiny Buddha Head she gave me also.
- Incense my beautiful student and friend Lorena brought me from Thailand.
- A tiny wooden elephant my dad gave me 12 years ago.

Once you create your space, set an intention to meditate every single day.  Before coffee.  Or before sleeping (no caffeine in your system really helps).

Short meditations: 

- Gratitude meditation:  Take 5 minutes and go through as many things as possible that you are grateful for.  This is my favorite meditation. Spend extra time on things you are particularly more grateful for (for me, these are the health of my loved ones, the fact that I am awake and meditating, my room and my place, my classes, the ocean).  Get creative, you can be grateful about everything, and this practice will change your life.

- Breathing meditations:  Pranayama techniques can all be extremely meditative.  Ratio breathing, or Visamavttri pranayama is great, for the counting and holding the breath keeps you grounded and present.  This meditation is great if you are stressed and can't keep your focus.  

- Guided meditations:  The Internet and your phone have so many apps and videos for guided meditation. Although I prefer self-guided meditations (builds a better habit) guided meditations are great of you have a hard time committing to the meditation practice.

Books to read: 

-  Turning the Mind into an Ally,  by Sakyong Mipham
I was impressed by this book tremendously for it tackles the complexities of meditation.  Makes meditation accessible and yet enhances the experience.  

- Seeking the Heart of Wisdom, The Path to Insight Meditation, by Joseph Goldstein and Jack Korfield.
This book talks about all possible encounters to meditation, from painful knees to doubt and fear.

Lastly, if nothing works:

Take courses! In New York, we have amazing resources such as the  Shambala Meditation Center and the Three Jewels. If you are not in New York, most Yoga studios offer at least two meditation classes per week.  You can even get private instruction for meditation.  If you are serious about starting this practice, there are methods for everyone, all ages, and all styles.  So there is no excuses :)



Monday, August 25, 2014


I am now on Pinterest!  How did I not get into it before?  There's so much inspiration! 

Here is one of my favorite pins. 

The beauty of the human body. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Boca Sombrero- OSA Penninsula

Here is where my March 2015 retreat with Jacob Will be. So stoked.   Yoga, surf, yoga, meditation, repeat... For one full week in paradise. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

SUP YOGA WITH ME- some things to know

SUP Yoga at the Rockaways (beach 67) starts this weekend, every Saturday until summer end!  Email me if you'd like to RSVP! 

- PRICE:  Class is $35 dollars per session.  This includes the board, a lesson on technique, the "yoga class" and a short yoga class on the beach, post water session. Class is about 75 minutes.   

- TIME: The time of session will be confirmed two days before, and a final email confirmation the night before.  

- You must know how to swim to take the class!  We go past the beach break and may fall into the water while doing a yoga pose  (I do it all the time).  If you've been before, you know the drill :) If it's your first time, you will see, it's very very fun! 

- BRING SPF!  If you burn easy, you may want to wear a long sleeve rashguard.

-  There are only 6 spots per session, two classes per day.   

RSVP and pre-payment is required.  Booking in advance is encouraged, specially if you want to come with friends, so you can all be at the session together.  

- You can pay with credit card, debit card, or Chase direct pay.  Just reach out to me and let me know what works for you.  

Monday, May 12, 2014

New class! Greenpoint GoodYoga

Hi all!

Starting next week I will be teaching a level C class (challenging) at GoodYoga in Greenpoint on Wednesdays at 6 pm. 75 minute class. Please email me if you'd like to be my guest! 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Out of town starting Saturday

I will be out of town this upcoming weekend, starting Sunday! I am teaching Friday at 7:00 pm at QF and at 10:00 am on Saturday, Goodyoga Bushwick. I will be off after that, until Wednesday, May 7.   


Monday, April 14, 2014

Thea Kennedy's talks about our Yoga Retreat :)

Hi Everyone!

Hope you are enjoying SPRING!!!

My dear friend wrote a beautiful article about the retreat I just held in Costa Rica with Jacob Kyle.  Please check  it out!



Thursday, April 3, 2014

Work Hard, Play Hard

I was recently asked by one of my best friends "when is the last time you went dancing?"

And it struck me, because it's been FOREVER. Dancing, clubbing and partying used to be a weekly thing for me, my way to have fun, to play.  

This is the last time I went dancing :) 

My idea of "playing hard" is now completely opposite. I still love to laugh and have a good time. But I realize that I like a kinder, calmer way of having fun. Perhaps I am getting older, or lazier, and I really can't deal with hangovers. I want to be fully present in my classes, sleeping because I need rest, not to catch up on sleep. Nowadays, I prefer to go out to dinner with loved ones, bake goods for my roommates, read, exercise, wake up and go for a run, get massages and manicures, and save money for surfing trips. 

What "playing hard" means to you, it doesn't matter. What matters is that it needs to be done, all the time. Wether your idea of playing hard is clubbing and going out dancing, or meditating and cooking, it is important to make time for playing.  Not once a week, or twice, but as much as possible.  As long as you're doing things you love, without regrets, and things that keep you moving forward. Having fun is so important!  If it makes you happy, make time for it!!!! 


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Beginner's Series at Greenhouse Holistic

Beginner's Series at Greenhouse Holistic starts this Friday! If you've been wanting to try doing yoga, sign up!  

What else will you be doing on Fridays while we wait for Spring to come? 

In 4 weeks we will go through, standing postures, forward bends, backbends and the format of a yoga class. Contact me if you'd like to sign up! 

Have a great week! 



Sunday, March 2, 2014

I'm back!

It's been a magical week of surfing, and lots and lots of yoga and meditation. Such an amazing and fun group. 

We will definitely return next year. We made vida asana our home and I will miss it tremendously!  

I'm back to my regular schedule this week. Come see me I'm about 10 shades darker!

With love,  

Monday, February 24, 2014

Costa Rica!

We made it to Costa Rica! Today is the first complete day of the retreat. We started with meditation, a 90 minute class, delicious breakfast, and surfing. So blessed to be here! 

Almost everyone is partaking in surfing, we are going to Manuel Antonio reserve for some serious beach time on Wednesday, some of the crew went diving, hiking. It's been so good. I feel so blessed to be with such an amazing group. 

With love,

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Your Hands

Last week, I focused my classes on paying attention to the hands during asana and meditation.  

The Hamsa

The symbol of the hand has been used in so many lineages for countless purposes.  The prayer hands, the Hamsa (or evil eye), Buddhist and Hindu Mudras, for Chinese medicine (meridians in the palms), I could go on and on.  The usage of hands has been used to reflect spirituality and devotion throughout the centuries.  In modern day, we use our hands to communicate, to salute, to curse, to give, to energize to soothe.  Our hands are the gateway to who we are.  

When we like someone. we open our hands and arms warmly, when we are upset, we hold our hands tightly.  The same happens in our practice.  When we are at ease, we can barely feel the hands for they are grounded confidently, and they allow us to deepen the pose.  They open the chest, the heart, and allow us to strengthen the core.  Think about when the opposite is happening.  When we are stressing during our practice, the energy stays stuck in our hands.  Have you every had a practice in which you felt stuck in your shoulders and chest?  
Gyan Mudra, used to increase concentration and energy (vaayu)

Some tips to pay attention to your hands during class:

Hands:  Your hands are like little suction cups.  The center of your palm should be slightly lifted (energetically, your teacher shouldn't be able to see this) while the rest of the hand is comfortably grounded.  All fingers and knuckles should be spread as wide as they go, as if you were trying to grab sand from underneath you.  Pinky and thumb separate as far as possible, to create space in your palm.  Your wrists and palms should have as little weight on them as possible.  The wrist is a very fragile joint.  But your hands are a gateway to your strength.  Use them wisely and with full awareness. 

In your downward dogs: does your downward dog seem like it's restricting your chest and back?  Try switching the position of your hands slightly.  Instead of pointing your middle fingers directly to the front of the mat, try pointing them slightly outwards.  This may give you more freedom to your chest and the rotators in your shoulders.  

In your planks and other strengthening poses:  Use your arm, chest and core muscles to come OFF the wrist and palm. Press the floor away from you and let the energy travel upwards- towards the armpits and chest, into the belly- your powerhouse.  

Have a great week, and stay warm! 
