Saturday, December 24, 2011

Leading your practice with your heart

Asana practice needs to be approached via the heart, both physically and spiritually.  

To approach your practice with an open heart spiritually can mean so many things.  One of them is to approach your practice as a means to stay present.  When one enters a room to practice, any judgements and emotions should be shed, thus opening your heart to an experience that will allow you to remain present and allow you to focus in the now.  This is why it is important not to look around the room to see what others are wearing, what the teacher looks like, etc this way you can stop the judgments and opinions.  When you enter a room to practice, immediately sit down and close your eyes on your mat.  Bring your focus on your breath and allow the emotions from the day to melt away.  This prepares you for a compassionate and personal experience, free of judgments and attachments.    

To approach the practice with an open heart anatomically means to lead the practice with your heart lifted and the chest and collarbones open, shoulders melting toward the center of your back.  On a daily basis, we slouch in front of our computers, on the train, as we eat, etc etc. This causes our pectoralis muscles to tighten and our upper back muscles to over stretch, resulting in bad posture and back pain.  A steady yoga practice can help release the chest so that the upper back can get properly aligned and get strong, thus making posture improve and back aches stop.  

Overall, we should think of having an open heart ALL the time. BE compassionate in and out of the mat. 



Sunday, December 18, 2011

Elena Brower

I have been reading and studying Elena Brower lately.  I've never taken her class, but a video of her in her blog blew me away.  This lady is somewhere between a shrink and a yoga teacher.  My Teacher, Kelly Morris, loves her too.  You should check her out.

She recently resigned from Anusara (whatever that means) and she is now teaching her own thing.  Her own thing is amazing.  She speaks so clearly, so bluntly about emotional balance.  She talks about the fact that we always blame other people.

Anyway, she is so great.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Dharma Mama

Here is a beautiful Dharma talk from my teacher Kelly Morris.  Enjoy!  

Meditation Challenge FAIL

So my meditation challenge didn't work out.  I was busy with finals, having friends in town, friends leaving town, and in plain English, I just didn't do it.   In the meantime, I have friends going on 10 day retreats.  How are they doing this?

Failing to finish something I told myself I was going to, breaking my own promises, makes me feel a little crappy about myself.  This is not the first time I have done this and I have come to terms that sometimes I don't do things that I tell myself I am going to do.  I don't even come up with excuses, I just don't do them.  This is forcing some bad karma on me, I am sure.  Just the negative thought that I failed on something is a bad karmic seed.  Angry thoughts are followed by your prana.  I know all this.  Blah.

Rather than beat myself up about it (which I used to be able to do for hours), I now face how I am feeling.  This facing of emotions takes time, and it becomes a great excuse to meditate. So I sit down, break down the emotion and bring that emotion full circle.  First, I accept that the emotion is coming from me, it's my karmic seed. I also meditate on knowing that I chose to label the emotion as I did ("failing" makes me feel shitty)  I change the label of the emotion (boom! now my failure is a learning experience in which now I can take the opportunity to be good and reliable to others) and at last, accept that this feeling it's just an idea I created in your head.  It's empty.

 So here I am.  After enjoying a meditation, I am going through old emails, responding to invites, being honest about what event I can go to and which one I can't attend.  Being reliable to others.  Stopping the cycle.  

Monday, December 5, 2011

Damn you, alcohol and finals

You mess up everything.

I've meditated for 15 minutes today.  Nothing yesterday. My mind was all over the place.

Don't drink ( a lot) and meditate (the day after).  it blows.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Meditation and Yoga Challenge, starts today

Meditation changes everything, it really really does.  I just don't find the time and my meditation practice is not as consistent as I would like.  In between random waking-up schedules, my boyfriend staying over (it's very hard to get up just to meditate), the cold weather, etc. etc.  It doesn't help that I have started drinking coffee since I have early clients and classes, and meditating after drinking coffee makes it a bust.

So, my plan is to meditate in the late afternoon, every day for the month of December.  This way, my caffeine boost is over, it will break my day, and soothe my evenings.  I will write my meditations everyday and journal it here.

Happy Friday!


Kids yoga!

I am teaching at Lucky Lotus in Brooklyn, starting today.  I start teaching toddler yoga (1.5 to 4 years old). I am looking forward to it!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Full Compass Pose

This week's pose is Full Compass Pose. I couldn't even find a photo of the pose online, so you will have to come by this week to see it for yourself..

I am at Go Yoga and Quick Fitness this week.



Saturday, November 12, 2011

Beginner's mind

Tadasana looks so simple, right?  But, there is so much more going on here. 


- The foundation for Tadasana is locking in energy in the center body.  The tail bone must be tucked in, and the navel is up towards the spine.  This, my friends, changes every single pose in yoga tremendously.  The precious energy you build during your practice is kept right in the body.... 
- Shoulders are up and back
-  Collarbones are wide so the heart center can open.  
- Spine is straight. 
-  Chin is gently tucked in so your neck can elongate. 
- Crown of the head reaches up towards the ceiling, creating more space in the spine. 
-  Feet are grounded.  All ten toes are touching the earth, and the arch of the foot lifts. 
- Hips should feel even
- Palms are active.  You should feel energy all the way into the fingertips

When you apply all the foundations of Tadasana to every single pose, you will feel a major shift in your practice. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

How do you pick a yoga retreat?

Margarita Island, Venezuela

Every studio and every teacher seem to host a yearly yoga retreat.  How do you choose the correct one for you?

-  Pick a location you'd love to explore. What activities will you be able to do besides hanging out with the people of the retreat?  This part in particular is very important, to me at least. I am not a fan of all inclusive vacations.  I prefer to do my own thing off the beaten path.  So, picking a location like an all inclusive resort in Jamaica is not for me.  A place like like Rio in Brazil or the Caribbean coast in Colombia (like I.AM.YOU's retreat)  is more up my alley.  If you want to lounge pool side with drinks all day, a place like Cancun or Jamaica is more for you.
-  Go with a friend that loves to do yoga.  This way, if the age range of the group is all over the place you have one buddy to be with.
-  Be open minded!  Your favorite teacher may be hosting one, but why not try a teacher you've heard is amazing?  Attend one or two of their classes and open yourself to a new experience.   See what their students are like..  
- Read the small print!  You should be able to get some of the money back if you can't go.

No matter which retreat you go, remember that this is a vacation!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Anatomy nerd

More classes at Go Yoga!

Tomorrow I start teaching the GoBasics at 8:15 at Go Yoga in Williamsburg.  I am joining some of the best teachers at the best studio of the neighborhood, so every Thursday will be a celebration.  Join me! 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Grasshopper, Scorpion

Two of the peak poses of today's class.  Also, handstand...  Phew.  

Everyone worked hard, all made it to their maximum peak.  Love.   

Finding Balance

One of the biggest challenges in any stage of your practice is staying grounded while balancing.  Here is a very basic checklist to use:


1. Press your big toe on the mat
2.  lift your arch up towards the sky
3.  Pick your drishti ( visual point of concentration) and stay there! Make sure to picl a non moving point, such as the corner of your mat or a random dot on the floor.   Do not pick solid colored walls for you will get light headed. 
4. Activate Mula Bandha by lifting your pelvic floor. 
5. Practice!  

Go Yoga!

I am so excited to be part of the best yoga studio in Williamsburg! Starting this Monday, I am teaching the Monday at noon class!   Also, subbing tomorrow at 10:00 am, and more classes to come.

Hugs to all!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Putting yourself out there

Once you get a steady yoga practice started, it's very easy to get stuck in a routine- go to the same teacher, attend a same style class, and receive similar messages.   Fighting habits like this are part of the reason why we do yoga.. So we can learn to let them go!

Trying a different class is great for we become aware of what we are attached to.  Rather than fight the emotions ("why is she going so slow," "why is the music so chilled out") a new class can give an opportunity to explore a new experience and learn from it.  A different class can also be an act of generosity as well.  For example, a new teacher may be building up students in a studio and your presence there is so appreciated by the teacher. Or perhaps you are battling with control issues ( New Yorkers we are) attending a different class is a healthy way to practice non-attachment (Aparigraha).  Practicing yoga to learn to let go!  

This week, before running to your usual class consider taking a class in a studio you have never tried. Be open to the new experience.  More importantly, be aware that the reaction to the experience is your choice.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Driven by desire

We are all driven by desire, yet desire kills.

Let's say you purchase a beautiful couch (coat, shoes, car or whatever), you love the couch for a bit, then you go out and look at other couches and realize yours is shit.  You want the other couch, you save for it and finally get the other couch.  The cycle starts again.

This is the cycle that we live in, with everything.   Always wanting more, wanting what is someone elses or what we don't have.

Look around you and LOVE everything about what is happening now for tomorrow you may no longer want it.

Unless you end that cycle, nothing will ever be enough. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sangha Yoga Shala

I am no longer teaching at Sangha Yoga Shala on Mondays and Thursdays.   I am still everywhere else though and will be better at posting when I am subbing!


Fighting Shadows

Every single bad (and good) thing we see in those around us are coming from us.  How else are you able to recognize them?  Your friend that gets on your nerves most likely gets on your nerves because she reminds you of yourself at one way or another.  Think about all those homophobic politicians that hate gays but end up having sex with their male interns... Although that is pretty extreme, this is exactly how it works.

The next time you want to judge someone, think about that quality they possess and OWN IT for you have it too.  

Come to this to hear more.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Weekly Schedule Amendments

Hello All!

School started, summer has ended, and for most of us, this means settling into our schedules in preparation for the colder months.

My schedule remains pretty steady, still teaching at Pablo Fitness, Quick Fitness and Sangha Yoga Shala.  I am also subbing at Go Yoga on a regular basis as well.  Below is my set schedule:

Monday 10:30 and 12:15 pm at Pablo Fitness in Midtown, 7:15 pm at Sangha Yoga Shala in Williamsburg.
Wednesday: 7:00 am at Quick Fitness
Thursday at noon Sangha Yoga Shala
Friday at 7:00 pm Quick Fitness
Sunday at 11:00 am at Quick Fitness

If you are interested in privates, please do reach out!  It is a great way to get started and get familiar with yoga.

Hope You are having a great week!



Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"Healing the Second Chakra" by Carly Sachs

Trickster Energy
I currently live at a former ashram a few hours north of the city where bramacharya was a common practice. Bramacharya is translated as celibacy or sexual continence in the yamas or if we want to be looser, energy management.

In my teaching in NYC studios, this practice is commonly understood as energy management because we can’t fathom the idea of celibacy or abstinence.
Bramacharya also posed its challenges for this ashram. Some people couldn’t do it. Rather, they were doing it. There was a scandal. Sex is electric and essentially creation so how do we confront it in the modern world as yogis and yoginis?

For me, I know that I am more conscious of my energy and how to manage it because of my yogic practice. And I think this has stemmed from the physical changes that yoga produced in my body. I am more confident and have watched my physical body transform, losing about 30 pounds and two cup-sizes.

Before I began my daily practice, I was five feet tall and a 34DD.  My chest was the first thing people would notice about me.  I hated my body and thought that it attracted unwanted attention. Yet, I was simultaneously craving that physical attention and resenting myself for those cravings. So there it was, the cycle of attraction and aversion that we yogis consciously try to break.

Yoga helped me cultivate compassion and awareness of my sexual patterns, offering me tools to find grace and beauty within and so I wasn’t looking for approval or love from sources outside myself. It has helped me to stay present and laugh which is great - on the mat and between the sheets.
This got me to wondering how others felt about how these two energies - yoga and sex - worked on and for them.

Andy, a 50 year old yoga teacher, explained that it is the breath that brings us in connection with the present moment and through physical intimacy, we are able to yoke or connect our breath to another being’s breath. And this is essentially what the vibration of the universe is, constant inhalation and exhalation, expansion and contraction. “Sex erases the lines between people,” he says, “it is the divine dance of Shiva and Shakti, a union of two, which can’t be experienced alone.”

Rebecca a 25 year old dancer and yogini said consistent yoga practice made her feel “divinely feminine.” She’s comfortable exploring sexual relationships without emotional connection, though she admits “that part is nice too.”

Rob, a 40-year old yoga teacher, who identified himself as having an addiction to sex (as well as other addictions) decided to practice bramacharya for a year. He also cut out sugars, wheat, caffeine, and dairy. He reported more clarity at work and learned how to play the guitar. Now, he’s working on the integration, the practice of finding joy and pleasure without going to that place of over-doing and going into hedonistic free-fall. He’s just entered into a new romantic relationship in which he reports how different it is to have sex with the lights on and sober. “It’s not easy,” he says, “I’m much more self-conscious than I was before, but I’m OK with that. I know it’s part of the process.”

Susan, a 32 year old yoga student, spoke about how a year of a more regular yoga practice helped her feel more attractive and then she felt more attraction to others. Eventually it was this sense of empowerment that enabled her to leave a ten-year abusive relationship. She looks me in the eye when she says, “yoga was the catalyst that enabled me to change my life.”

A few days ago I took a yoga class where the teacher played Al Green’s “Sexual Healing.” First she had asked our permission, saying if it offended anyone, she wouldn’t play it. She made a joke about replacing the phrase with “second chakra healing.” Many of us store pent up emotions of fear, anger, and shame in our hips. The second chakra is also home to creativity and it’s right above the first chakra of feeling rooted and safe and below the navel, the home of power and self-confidence. So it seems only natural for our yogic practice to address our sex lives. And when we shine the light on it, it becomes something to inquire about instead of something to judge. The root of the word yoga means to yoke or connect and that is essentially what we are learning to do in our intimate practices.
--Carly Sachs

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Six Perfections

The Buddhist teachings give us six qualities, or Six Perfections, in which we should live by.  They are as follows: 

  • Giving/generosity
  • Ethical living
  • Patience
  • Joyful effort
  • Meditative concentration
  • Wisdom
This week, my classes are focused on all  6 Perfections as they relate to our asana practice.  Being patient with your breath, being kind with your body, and calming your mind in preparation for meditation are some of the many benefits of a steady asana practice.  

The Six Perfections, however, are meant to be used for outside of the yoga mat.  As I have applied the Teachings to my personal life, I have been overwhelmed by the amount of goodness that has come into my life by using them to make my life more fulfilled. 

And how exactly do make the 6 Perfections work for you?  By taking a look at each one of the Perfections and making them happen for the people around you every single day.  For example, be generous by giving away your time or money,  live ethically by never doing wrong to others, be patient for everyone around you for  their actions are teaching you something, be happy, MEDITATE, and be wise about your choices you make. Know that every single thing you do has a karmic response, so when you do good, all the goodness will come back to you.   It works. 

With love,


Friday Class at QF

Heya Yogis,

I won't be able to teach this Friday's class at Quick Fitness.  Once again, Katherine Colla will be teaching for me.  Please swing by to give your core some TLC.

Sunday class remains as it is, hope to see you QF peeps there!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Guess who's back

I am back!  I am tanned, relaxed, filled with good energy from hanging out with my mom and my cousins.

I am teaching LOTS!  Come get your sweat on this week and get away from the heat wave.

Pablo Fitness, 10:30 and 12:15 pm (Open level)
Sangha Yoga Shala, 7:15 pm  (Open level)

Go Yoga, 8:15 pm (Beginner)

Quick Fitness, 7:00 am (Open)

Sangha Yoga Shala, 12:00 noon (Community open level)

Quick Fitness, 7:00 pm (Core fusion yoga)

Quick Fitness, 11:00 am (Open level)

Please email me if you have any questions or if you're interested in private sessions!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I.AM.YOU and the Music to Know Festival

I.AM.YOU, the amazing studio ran by Lauren Imparato in Little Italy, is gonna be part of the Music to Know Festival in Long Island.  It is a festival with music, food, and daily yoga with Lauren herself.  If you have not taken a class with her, I urge you to!  to read more about it, click here.

South of the Border

Hi All,

I am in Venezuela right now feeling the calm after the wedding-storm of my sister's wedding.  It's been wonderful to be with family, catch up with cousins, be near nature.  I find it hard to practice yoga when I am away, so I have been catching up on Dharma, including on some amazing Dharma from Lama Kelly Morris while at Wonderlust and also Lama Christie McNally from a recent retreat.  There's nothing better than getting some of these teachiings and then applying them onto those whose push our buttons the most (mom and sisters for me).

I return to my regular scheduled classes next week at Pablo Fitness (Monday) Quick Fitness (Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) Sangha Yoga Shala (Monday and Thursday) and Go Yoga (Tuesday).

Have a wonderful week!  And rather than before thinking about how you can make your day better, think about how you can improve someone elses (borrowed from pretty Kat Colla).

Big hugs to all!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Things I like

I love this site!

Venezuela, Woo Hoo!

I am going away for 10 days for my yearly tropical vacation in my homeland Venezuela.  I am not sure what I am looking forward to the most-  My sister's wedding, which includes family members I've not seen since I was about 7, or the beach getaway I have planned with my cousin and her family.  They have a boat, that's all I have to say...

That said, all my classes have been subbed but I shall return on July 24th and ready to teach at Pablo Fitness on the 25th.

I hope everyone is staying cool!

Big hugs,


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Twitter, Facebook, Blogging

I am not much of a fan of Twitter, and as you can tell by all my posts, I am also not much of a blogger.  There is just too much information being thrown out there is all times and I get overwhelmed.  I am an avid Facebooker though, so if you really want to keep up with my Yoga adventures, feel free to add me as a friend. 

This week I am keeping things cool by working on our hips and psoas openers.  For those beginners out there, I am subbing for the amazing Maria Cutrona at Go Yoga tomorrow, and teaching at Sangha Yoga Shala at 12:00 pm.  Come chill out! 

It's been a pain in the as* trying to make it out to Long Beach with all the weddings and things going on during the weekends.  This weekend I am not sure if I can make it either.  I need some beach time desperately!  I hope to make it out there next week along with my lil' surfboard.   Check out our page on Facebook for updates and for schedules.  

Hugs to all!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Go Yoga, Beach Yoga, More Yoga

Hello All,

I am adding a couple of classes to my Summer schedule.  I will be teaching the Basics class at one of my favorite yoga studios of all times, Go Yoga, Tuesdays at 8:15.  I am super excited and honored to be teaching in the studio!

I have also picked up a new class, Monday at 7:15 at Sangha Yoga Shala, also in Williamsburg.

Please tell your friends!



Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Like Yoga*Sweat*Sand on Facebook

Beach Yoga continues this weekend!  I will be teaching both the Saturday and Sunday class.  For updated information on classes, please like us on facebook.

Hope to see you there!


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Private lessons

If you are serious about your yoga practice there is nothing better than treating yourself to a couple of private sessions per month.  It is so worth it!

I am not into self promotion, but I have been doing privates with a couple of students and their practice has improved in just two sessions.

That said, feel free to contact me if you are interested in a private session!  It includes one full hour of adjustments, so you will feel amazing after :)

big hugs,


Kelly Morris Workshop

Please join the amazing Kelly Morris and Elena Brower for this workshop!  

Sunday, May 15, 2011

No More Viva Vinyasa

Hey All!

For the students of Viva Vinyasa, please note that Viva Vinyasa is now called Pablo Fitness.  The schedule will remain the same for the most part.  Check them out here!

Please email me if you have any questions!



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Twist and shout

This week, focus has been on twists.  I usually approach twists in a manner of detoxing, but for this week, the focus is to seek balance between our left and right energy bodies.

Are you angry all the time and your right hamstring is tighter than the left?  this may not be a coincidence.  Our left energy body is representative of the moon.  It also represents the side that relates to attachment, things that we hold on to, can't let go.  Our right side,  represents things we push away, fear, anger.  As we twist, we release our bodies of this negative stored energy and we let the prana move freely.  It is a different way to approach a twist and an excellent way to approach your practice.     

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Surfing and Yoga in Long Beach

Not Long Island, but any beach can be paradise when it's got some surf.
My awesome friend Sheri and I are planning to host yoga classes on the beach this summer.  The idea is to start with an amazing surfing session (taught by yours truly) from 7:30 to 8:30 am on Saturdays, dry off and head to do or teach yoga right on the beach.  Classes will be taught by Sheri or myself.  I am looking forward to this like a child looks forward to Christmas.

I've been surfing on and off for years.  Surfing in the Northeast is always hard for me for I grew up in South America where the water is never under 70 something degrees.  But as the ocean fanatic that I am,  I've been braving it and surfing more in the cold waters, finally purchasing a wetsuit, boots and other gear to keep me warm. I can't wait to start surfing again!

All deets will be forthcoming :)

big hugs,


Monday, April 4, 2011

This week, business as usual

Hey all,

Greetings from a much calmer place.  Last week between midterms, Conquering Lion finals, celebrating birthdays and helping my boyfriend move, i did a number on my usually calm mind.  I stayed home and slept a lot!  I feel almost back to normal.

This week's schedule is the same.  Please note I am no longer teaching at the studio on the Lower East Side.  My fashion peeps are busy bees!

Please email me with questions.

Hugs to all!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Some class amendments

Due to the finals at Conquering Lion, I am taking Sunday off from teaching at Quick Fitness.  Kat Colla will cover for me.  Kat has recently started the Conquering Lion Teacher Training.  She is pure love.

I am nervous about this weekend, but I have been studying a lot!  Some of the things I've memorized include:

- 8 limbs of yoga (yamas, niyamas, pranayama, asana, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi)
- Yamas and Niyamas
-  The map of the subtle body
- 6 Buddhist perfections
- The breakdown of the Conquering Lion Yoga style
- The definition of Conquering Lion Yoga
- The two Truths
- The Mahamudra
- The Bandhas
- The Chakras
- The lineage

That's just some of the things we covered in the training.  It's been amazing. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

MTA Love

I talk about the train a lot.  I am always on the train, on my way to school, to teach yoga, to take yoga.  On the train is where a lot of my teachers randomly pop up to teach me something (homeless people, newspaper people, rude people), where I give away most of my money, where I study for school.  Well, last week, I encountered my deepest experience on a NYC train.  I got puked on by a random stranger.  The best part was that I didn't see him coming towards me (puking) because I was reading the His Holiness The Dalai Lama website on my phone.  Funny. 

As I sat stood there on the train full of puke, I looked around me, and I felt embarrassed, felt gross, felt stupid.  But then random people began to give me tissues, then they began to calm me down and tell me it was gonna be ok.  Thus, comes the point of my story.  As I sat there and looked at my puked coat, I thought to myself - hey! this is my cheap forever 21 coat, yes!   So I took it off and threw it on the floor so I could throw it out once I reached the platform of my stop, that was that.  I also realized that I was only one stop away from my stop, which meant that the embarrassment/grossness would last for just one tiny bit.  So I got off the train, laughing, threw away the Forever 21 coat and walked home coatless, realizing that it was 52 degrees and I was not freezing.  I smiled to myself and felt lucky to be so positive.  The experience made me realize that any disaster can be seen in a different point of view if you apply your mind to it. 

As I woke up the day after, I immediately thought to post on facebook what had happened to me.  Then I read about Japan.  Suddenly, my coat story was stupid. 

Today, as we begin our practice or our day, let's dedicate it to those who are experiencing a disaster and are having a hard time looking at the positive side of the coin.  It could be someone who recently "got puked on", or someone who's home is gone in Japan.

Dedicate the goodness.  

Friday, March 18, 2011

Long time!

Has it really been 3 weeks since I posted here?  Time flies when you're having fun.

It is the end of the Conquering Lion Teacher Training.  I have learned so much and the requirements are piling up.  We have so much homework and practice to do.  In addition to learning, I have a new community, or Sangha, which I can count on and feel connected to. I also started school, back at Hunter, so that's been fun as well.

My schedule has been the same-
Mondays at Viva Vinyasa 3 times (10:30 am, 12:15 and 7:15 pm)
Wednesday at 7:00 am at Quick Fitness
Thursday at noon at Sangha Yoga Shala
Friday 7:00 pm at Quick Fitness
Saturday at 12:15 at Viva Vinyasa
Sunday at 11:00 am (new time) at Quick Fitness.

Quick Fitness is finally expanding!  If you live in Williamsburg and have not been to Quick Fitness, you're really missing out.  It is the best neighborhood gym I've ever been to.  I am excited to see the gym expand, and with the expansion, I will be teaching more.  So you should see me more.  In the works:  a beginner's class and boot camp and cool down class.  Lots of things in the works!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Finding a Guru

Gurus around us

One should never miss an opportunity to find a guru.  As a matter of fact, one should think of one person a day and make them their guru for the day.  It's like giving them a personal birthday in your head.  Try it.  

For example, my guru today is the newspaper woman of the 51st and lex station.  She gives away the AM new york free newspaper like she is giving you the winning lottery ticket.  She gives you a smile, and wishes you a nice day.  One would never know that she is cold, has problems at home, or whatever.  She smiles and brightens your day with a free newspaper.  She is my guru today.

Other days, your gurus can be individuals such as homeless people, sick people, or the boss that gets on your nerves.  Think about it, how much does every one around you teach you?  Are you grossed out by the homeless person?  How do you know how they got there?  what does that type of judgement say about you, and where the hell is it coming from?  Not a good place.  Your homeless guru just taught you that.  The boss that gets on your nerves, our other example, give him a smile for every time he pisses you off.  Give him a smile and see what that teaches you.  

There are gurus all around us.  

Monday, February 14, 2011

Teaching Sched

Heya lovelies!

I have finally gotten my sh*t together from the madness of my sister's wedding.  I think I came back traumatized from all the madness of the wedding.  I can know post, do homeworks and work on my classes peacefully.

My teaching schedule has not changed, but I thought I would post again-

Monday I'm at Viva all day- 10:30, 12:15 and 7:15
Wednesday I'm at quick fitness at 7:00 am, 7 pm at Guilded Studios (email me if you'd like to attend)
Thursday at Sangha Yoga Shala
Friday at Quick Fitness- 7:00 pm
Saturday Viva Vinyasa at 12:15
Sunday at 10:00 am Quick Fitness.

I am no longer teaching the 7:00 am on Mondays at Quick Fitness.

ALSO, I will be teaching at Lululemon this Saturday morning!  Please join me in Union Square bright and early, 8:45 am :)

Hope everyone has an amazing Valentines Day!



THE program

The Conquering Lion Teacher Training program just got so good, check out the amazing staff!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yoga at Guilded Studios

I may have mentioned that I am now teaching a semi-private class at the Guilded Studios in the Lower East Side, right by the New Museum.  The classes take place on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, bring your own mat, and suggested donation is $10 per person.

If you are interested in attending, please send me an email and I will add you to the mailing list.  It's a lovely space with lovely peeps.

Stay warm dearest ones!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wanna try yoga?

Have you been wanting to try yoga but are utterly intimated? I've been there- all yogis have been there. After all, where do you start and how do you not feel shitty about it?

Yoga is like trying anything for the first time. On the first day of college, we all hated it, but by the end, we were really used to it, knew what to expect.  The first day I grabbed a guitar I felt like a monkey with a toy.  The first day I surfed I drank more water than a college freshman drinks cheap beer.  The beginning of a new relationship your butterflies can get the best of you.   The beginning of anything is just hard!

Yoga, at first, can feel a little humiliating. After all, everyone is bending over in front of you, but you are really supposed to be looking for a better you, a calmer mind, etc.  This connection takes a while to put it together.   This article is a simple explanation of what you're supposed to feel like.

Stop thinking about starting and just go get your yoga on! 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's been a while

Greetings from Miami!  My sister is getting married next weekend and I've arrived here a week before to be part of the preceding events.

That said, all my classes are subbed so please check Viva Vinyasa's facebook page for instructor's details.  At Quick Fitness, Emilia (who you may remember from the summer when I was away) will be subbing my classes, Lauren will sub my core class and Jozelyn on Sunday.

I hope everyone is staying warm!

P.S.  I have added a new class to my schedule at a loft of Delancey.  It is at 7:00 pm every Wednesday and it is RSVP only.  A great space with some of the most amazing creatives I know.   Please email me for details! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Subbing for Lisa Jacobson at The Three Jewels

During the yoga challenge of the end of the year,  I raved about my mentor's yoga class at The Three Jewels.  Her classes are a challenging yet filled with pure love.    

I am subbing for Lisa next week while she is on holiday.  If you've not been at The Three Jewels, please come visit, it is a class by donation only.  And while you are there, check out their amazing upcoming program about the Boddhisattva Bows.  


Learning how to meditate

Meditation is THE BOMB...  Just FYI.

Basics of meditation

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Schedule

Heya yogis and yoginis!

My new schedule is as follows:

7:00 am at Quick Fitness
10:00 am express at Viva Vinyasa
12:15 express at Viva Vinyasa
7:15 Open at Viva Vinyasa

7:00 am at QF
10:00 am at Viva
7:30 pm at Viva Vinyasa

Noon at Sangha Yoga Shala

10:00 am at Viva Vinyasa
7:00 pm at QF

Noon at Viva Vinyasa (Intermediate- advanced)

10:00 am at QF

Also, restorative classes are in the works! Among other things.

Hope to see you!   Please email me if you have any questions!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The beginning of the year is a great reminder that we always have a chance to change.

Although in making resolutions we should shoot always high, we must first make sure that there is a strong starting point, a strong root for our goal.   For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, you must be realistic and make sure that you have healthy knees and have been a previous runner before.   Or if you want to travel to a far away country, you must have a passport.   

With our yoga practice, before moving forward, there are many things that can be considered a "fundamental" part of yoga, and they are personal depending on what you're trying to reach in your practice.  When I started, i focused on my core as an essential part of my practice, for my goal was to get nice abs.  And these foundations have changed for me many times- from making my legs really strong so I can hold poses  for a long time to practicing Ujaji breath from the beginning to the end of a class.  I've achieved that- so now, my focus is to leave my ego out the door and be able to meditate through the entire practice.  I would never be able to pick these goals if I didn't have a strong core, strong legs and a strong concentration level to begin with.  For next year, my focus will probably be something else and my foundation will be even more solid.  I worked from the ground up.

As you move forward in your practice, have a strong foundation in which you can build your goals upon.  Start by picking a goal, breaking it down, and working from the ground up.  Lastly, make sure you celebrate the baby steps that take you to your goal and don't be upset if once you reach your goal you realize that's not even what you wanted in the first place- the journey is the fun part.

Have a lovely week!

P.S.  If you're looking to start to practice or need a foundation refresher, try doing a workshop like this.