Sunday, March 25, 2012

You have the tools to get through it!

Today we practiced a challenging variation of side plank. During the practice, I encouraged students to work their warm up and focus on the small things that sometimes we think do not matter while we warm up- the way you place your back foot, the back of the body, things you can't immediately feel.  The immediate things we count on, breath and bandhas, to place them second, just for today.  We explored leaning back a little bit further into poses, almost as trying to fall back, but trusting that our bodies have the tools to stay strong and we that the foundations of the pose create that.

On and off the mat, the secondary things, things we can't immediately see, do matter.  The immediate ones, the ones we know are our strengths, are what we always count on...  But how about the things that we don't think about?

Letting go of the wish of control situations and trusting ourselves that we have the tools within us are part of our every day practice of yoga.

If you can't see these tools within you, reach around you! on the mat, these are the props we use to facilitate poses, blocks, straps etc. Off the mat, these are things like our loved ones, our yoga practice, our friends and teachers.  Make it a journey to find the hidden tools within you to deal with challenges.

We all have the tools.  We just have to be open to see what these are.  They do not pop up immediately..  But that's what practice is for :)


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Change happens

We can't control the changes that happen around us, nor to us. Part of understanding this, is understanding the karma that ripens all the time, from seeds planted yesterday, or many years ago. Understanding this, and letting light shine through the holes that some of these changes bring are part of the acceptance and ultimately, bring us growth and happiness.

What we can do, and what we can control, is the seeds we plant now. Plant seeds that will cultivate good karma. Make others happy, live honestly, be good to yourself and those around you. Flowers will bloom soon after.