Monday, February 25, 2013

On Change

This is a great article on dealing with change. Enjoy.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Back on full schedule

I am back from a beautiful vacation in Puerto Rico. I relaxed, surfed, hung out with beautiful friends and met new ones. It was a blissful week!

But now I am back in the grind teaching everyday!

This week, we will focus on our hips. When it's so cold outside, we sit all day, watch tv, relax during long periods if time . Our hips become so tight, holding the cold of winter within them. Warming and opening the hip area warms our entire body from the inside out.

Our hips also are located by the sacral chakra, or svadisthana chakra. This powerful energy center is responsible for our emotional identity; Self-esteem and self worth. To open the hips with an intention to unlock your doubts lets your asana practice become a form of increasing your self worth and self respect. It is to give yourself love!

So come and practice.

With love,


Friday, February 1, 2013

New Classes

Hope everyone is having a great winter!

I have added three new classes to my schedule.  I will now be teaching at Naam Yoga Upper West Side for three delicious lunch yoga!  2 alignment based, one open level flow.   My schedule has been updated below.  Here is the schedule of Naam Yoga!

Please note that I am away next week for a well deserved surfing vacation in Rincon, Puerto Rico!  So classes will resume next Sunday.

Please email me with questions and for free passes to my class!

Big hugs,
