Sunday, November 27, 2011

Full Compass Pose

This week's pose is Full Compass Pose. I couldn't even find a photo of the pose online, so you will have to come by this week to see it for yourself..

I am at Go Yoga and Quick Fitness this week.



Saturday, November 12, 2011

Beginner's mind

Tadasana looks so simple, right?  But, there is so much more going on here. 


- The foundation for Tadasana is locking in energy in the center body.  The tail bone must be tucked in, and the navel is up towards the spine.  This, my friends, changes every single pose in yoga tremendously.  The precious energy you build during your practice is kept right in the body.... 
- Shoulders are up and back
-  Collarbones are wide so the heart center can open.  
- Spine is straight. 
-  Chin is gently tucked in so your neck can elongate. 
- Crown of the head reaches up towards the ceiling, creating more space in the spine. 
-  Feet are grounded.  All ten toes are touching the earth, and the arch of the foot lifts. 
- Hips should feel even
- Palms are active.  You should feel energy all the way into the fingertips

When you apply all the foundations of Tadasana to every single pose, you will feel a major shift in your practice. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

How do you pick a yoga retreat?

Margarita Island, Venezuela

Every studio and every teacher seem to host a yearly yoga retreat.  How do you choose the correct one for you?

-  Pick a location you'd love to explore. What activities will you be able to do besides hanging out with the people of the retreat?  This part in particular is very important, to me at least. I am not a fan of all inclusive vacations.  I prefer to do my own thing off the beaten path.  So, picking a location like an all inclusive resort in Jamaica is not for me.  A place like like Rio in Brazil or the Caribbean coast in Colombia (like I.AM.YOU's retreat)  is more up my alley.  If you want to lounge pool side with drinks all day, a place like Cancun or Jamaica is more for you.
-  Go with a friend that loves to do yoga.  This way, if the age range of the group is all over the place you have one buddy to be with.
-  Be open minded!  Your favorite teacher may be hosting one, but why not try a teacher you've heard is amazing?  Attend one or two of their classes and open yourself to a new experience.   See what their students are like..  
- Read the small print!  You should be able to get some of the money back if you can't go.

No matter which retreat you go, remember that this is a vacation!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Anatomy nerd

More classes at Go Yoga!

Tomorrow I start teaching the GoBasics at 8:15 at Go Yoga in Williamsburg.  I am joining some of the best teachers at the best studio of the neighborhood, so every Thursday will be a celebration.  Join me!