Saturday, May 5, 2012

Your Teachers, and common sense

A Lama, or teacher, tells 3 of his students to go rob a bank. Two of them go and rob it, no questions asked. The third one tells his Lama that he didn't feel it was correct, so he didn't. The Lama then tells all three students that only one student passed the test, the one that questioned the Lama and didn't rob the bank.

Totally makes sense, right?

Whenever one practices yoga asana, although your teacher may tell you to do something, a hard pose such as an arm balance, if it doesn't feel right, why do it? If you don't understand it, why put yourself in danger?

It's the same with a spiritual practice. If it doesn't make sense to you, why follow it?

We all have that voice inside of us, our intuition, and it is so important to follow and honor it.

Ask questions, study, seek answers. Follow your gut.



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